3/30 gener8tor webinar
Indiana Economic Development Corporation has partnered with gener8tor, a business startup accelerator, to provide a series of webinars to introduce resources for Indiana’s small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today’s webinar covered the assistance available through the Small Business Administration. The discussion was led by Martin Anderson, Deputy District Director for Indiana. He encouraged businesses to go to their website to read more (www.sba.gov/coronavirus), apply for assistance, and sign up for email updates from SBA by clicking on the button at the bottom right corner of their homepage – www.sba.gov
Here is a link to the recording (note – fast forward through the first 30 minutes, this is dead time allowing people to join early)
A presentation by gener8tor about the CARES Act is also available.
Here is a link to a walk through of the CARES act provided by gener8tor.
Additionally, one-on-one meetings are being made available with gener8tor for businesses that need additional assistance.
Here is a link to sign up for 1:1 meetings with the gener8tor team.
Each day’s webinar will be posted here as they become available. Check back daily for more information.