Workforce Indicators
For many projects, workforce related issues are some of the most important questions a company may need to evaluate. The quality and the quantity of the skilled and unskilled working population are often important elements of a site selection process. Sometimes even the measurement of the underemployed can play into this decision making matrix.
Jay County offers many opportunities to work with and attract new and skilled labor to your facility. Indeed, with our close proximity to several other population centers, workers often cross county lines to come and work in our community. We attract many workers from our neighboring counties.
Jay County, with its geographic location is in close proximity to several institutions of higher learning. Ball State University located in Muncie, Indiana is a mere 30 minutes away. Ivy Tech State College, the community college of Indiana can customize a program of training for your workforce.
Even Jay County has its own community college, the John Jay Center for Learning (JJCL) located in a wonderfully refurbished department store in downtown Portland. The JJCL can assist your company in whatever training needs you have and connect your company with the right players in order to get it done. A tremendous asset to our county and the region, JJCL was a concerted community effort at bringing higher educational opportunities to Jay County.
Whatever your needs, whether thru the local school system, the local network of higher education opportunities or other sources, we can connect you and make your company and workforce flourish in Jay County..